The African sensation

The African sensation going international

Symphony...formally known as Zanele Cele is a Swazi based, songwriter and vocalist. She recently launched her album titled, "Sengikhona", she was one of the contestants that were chosen to perform at the much loved Sibebe Friday Night Live season 7, at House on Fire, she got nominated for the greatly anticipated 50/50 National Arts and Culture Awards 2018 in two categories and she is the winner of the first ever Afri Music Song Contest, I mean the girl really is an African sensation, she is just making waves! 😃

🔥We are only on the 4th month of the year but you have already achieved so do you feel about that

 I feel good about it because I've worked very hard to be where I am and I look forward to more. I appreciate all the love I'm getting so far.

🔥You just launched an album titled "Sengikhona", what inspired the tittle and the album as a whole

 "Sengikhona" was written as a response to my supporters who have been waiting for my music. It's also an announcement to the world for my breaking or rather stepping into the industry.
It speaks about the fact that everything has it's time and season and how a person must not be afraid to let their light shine when that time has come.

🔥 Tell me about the name Symphony

 Symphony is a harmonious combination of sounds or elements...which basically describes my singing or rather my music.

🔥You always make it a point to look ravishing everywhere you go. Who is your stylist and what inspires your style

 I don't really have a stylist. I just love I style myself. 
Most of my outfits are lihiya inspired sometimes I play around with our Swazi colors. I like how bright they are...They just stand out.

🔥What is your ultimate favorite item of clothing 

 It has to be a pair of heels I bought recently.

🔥How close are you with your twin sister and when did you guys stop wearing matching outfits, because I'm sure you did 😄

 We're quite close but we are the type that is separable at times...and yeah we did have our matching outfits but we stopped wearing them in our early teen years.

🔥What difference or growth do you wanna see in the Swaziland music industry in a few years to come

 I'd like to see our artists being appreciated and supported more. It would great if they would be given more opportunities and taken more seriously. I believe entertainment is important in every country as it contributes to economy growth and plays a role in tourism.

🔥What would you say to a young girl looking up to you and wants to be in the same place you are today

 I'd tell that young girl that she mustn't be afraid to chase her dreams. That there are times that she will have to make sacrifices but she must trust herself, it's possible.


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