Mr hella funny

Mdura, formally known as Mduduzi Dlamini (27), is a Swati comedian, MC, presenter and actor. He grew up in Simunye and also attended his primary education there at Ngomane Primary School before moving to his high school education at St Marks High School. For his higher education, he studied social science at UNESWA. 
Mdura recently took home the award for comedian of the year at the 2018 MTN SWAMA Awards. This is just one of the achievements of this young man as he has worked hard to get to where he is today. He does hilarious videos which he posts on social media, he does campus tour shows,  has done a number of his one-man shows which were successes, and he stared in a Moja Love TV sitcom, "Meet the Khambules" as Dr Mduduzi Dlamini.

Mdura is a humble person, who cares about the next person as much. He will always make you laugh when you talk to him, he doesn't even try, it just happens...he just has a great sense of humour 😊. I had a chat with him about his life, art and his career and this is how it went. 

πŸ”₯ How did you get into comedy

Though a friend (Emcee da comedian), who introduced me to a scary idea of signing up for a national comedy competition in 2015. I spent the whole night up thinking if I should sign up or not...crazy enough, I did..and the rest is history.

πŸ”₯ In my mind, I see you the student who sat at the back row and always made jokes in class. Were you always a funny person

Funny enough, I was always at the front row. I was the shortest so the teachers would abuse me into taking the front seat all my school life, even at university. I was loud though, always heckling the teachers and being stupid but I would get away with it because I was an A student. A joke from an A student is funnier than the same joke from an E student πŸ˜ƒ

πŸ”₯ What's your take on the importance of art? Do you think art is as important as education? Do you think it must be nurtured from a young age?

I can infinite yeses on this question. Art has become a professional, billion dollar industry and Eswaini needs to come to the party inputting the proper foundation and structures to nurture raw talent. Our counterparts in other countries are far ahead of us because they start earlier than we do and they have a clear path of where to go, as, for us, we wing it.

πŸ”₯ I must say, you are one of the most hardworking people in the industry and you have achieved so much because of that. So...what has been the highlight of your career

Thank you. 
God has been really great to me. I have so many highlights in my career but none of them can surpass the first ever one man, one hour, 30-minute show I did 3 years ago. It broke so many barriers for me, personally and for an industry that was new. It created history and a legacy for me. It changed the country's thinking.

πŸ”₯ What gets you out of bed every morning

The fact that there is someone out there who is inspired by my work. Someone gets out of bed because I have gotten out of bed.

πŸ”₯ What inspired you to take the risk to venture into comedy as a career, especially in Eswatini where it's not really recognised

The fear of being average and doing what everyone else is doing. Getting paid once a month was too scary for me. Not fulfilling my dreams was too scary for me. I am afraid of the kind of regret where you regret the things you never did than the regret where you regret the things you did. 
I didn't want to die with potential.  I was also motivated by the idea of proving to everyone, the whole country, that this can be a career.

πŸ”₯ How far do you want to take your comedy carer

I don't have a limit or a scope, I just want to do comedy everywhere, where there are human beings, I want to be there.

πŸ”₯What can we expect from Mdura in 2019

Even I don't know but one thing I am sure of is that this year I will attempt all the things I didn't attempt last year


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