Feminine power

Bellinda Bella Chester (20) is a Swati model, music video vixen and vocalist, born April 25 in Piggs Peak then later moved to the capital, Mbabane where she completed her high school education at St Marks High School. She is currently doing her first year at Limkokwing University, pursuing Public Relations. Bellinda is a lover of art and describes art as a unique way for a person to express themselves as she sees it as one of the few ways to completely be yourself.

Bellinda enlightens me on that before she got into anything else media related,  she started off with just a passion for rap but settled for just singing. So she would just spend a lot of her leisure time at the studio, observing, making friends and jumping in the booth whenever she was given the chance. She really liked it. 

She says she is that girl who can do whatever she puts her mind to. So she started modeling, worked with local brands and did ramp modeling. But then she found her self, or rather how best she like to experience modeling, and decided to just be a photography model. Bellinda worked on a few projects with photographers then came up with the idea to release her own photography albums 'The Editions', where she would just come up with a theme and compile pictures into an album.  

Bellinda mentions that in terms of just modeling and music she has settled for photography projects, and also music videos then when it comes to music, she is more of a vocalist than an artist because she is currently not taking releasing her own projects.


Belinda shares her insight on the topic and says that the pandemic, that we are against is really affecting us in so many different aspects, from finances,work, school, to social activities. Just like all the other effected countries,  things have just come to a stand still. We are now being exposed to a new way of life. Having to stay indoors,  being afraid of coming into contact with other people. And because this is a new experience for us in the kingdom, it's scary all together.

She further mentions that the lock down can definitely reduce the spread of the virus. The only way this virus moves is from person to person. So, if we move less, and not come into physical contact with each other, we stand a better chance at fighting the spread.

Bella says that for her, the only major disruption is with school. She is obviously trying to home school, but the truth of it is that it's going to set their calendar back when they reopen.  Otherwise she has been trying to make the most most of this time by reading more, connecting with her self and just following the rules. It's been a calm experience and she feels safer at home.

Belinda says she just cant wait to see people after the lock down, to see her friends, and she is so excited to see what events will be held because a lot of people will definitely need somewhere to link up and just catch up. But that probably won't be the first thing she will do. She does feel like she will want to wait and see if it's really safe to go out. 


  1. Amazing write up Sky, with great depictions on the pictures too. Its always great to learn about the Eswatini Art Space. Keep at it!


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