Born artistic

Bongi Maxwell Dlamini is a Swati tattoo artist who was born in Malkerns, by a sharp minded, hard working business woman Tholiwe Tsela, may her soul rest in peace. She gave birth to eight kids, of which unfortunately, the first born passed away a few years before his mom. Max started pre-school at Siteki and that's where his father, David Dlamini, had build his house and that's the place he calls home. He then went on to Nyandza High School after which he completed his high school at Phumelele High School

As soon as he finished school, he started working at Swazi Candles, that is where he started doing professional art work. Max was born blessed with natural art ,"I believe I inherited my art skills from my father, he was a master at his work, from wood carving to stone and wax molding which is the main work at Swazi Candles". He says. 

"Truly I had no other profession I wanted the most than improving my artistic abilities ,and that I promise myself to achieve and I have still I am". He further explains.While he was was working at Swazi Candles, he decided to further his studies in art ,and having only one fine art school  in the country, he had no other option but to attend the Handcrafted Training Centre at Zulwini.

That is where he was equipped with all necessary basics of fine art and ceramic, the rest was up to him to fully enclose his high most abilities. After he got his certificate in fine art and ceramic, he went for his tattoo and piercing certificate in South Africa.

Max mentions that from childhood he had been curious on how tattoos were done. "I saw an advert on Facebook about tattoo apprentice, I clicked on it at that second and booked for lessons, that was under Skinert Tattoo academy". He says. He mentions that it has been more than four years, since he completed his tattoo apprenticeship lessons and he his growing stronger every moment he holds his tattoo machine.

"I have never fallen in love with art I was born this way, I guess art fall in love with me, and that was no luck because my father was an artist so was my grandma, so growing around so much artistic souls I stood no chance but to be an artist as well".

When I asked Max what inspires him, he says that with natural talent you really don't need inspiration because you can't help yourself but release the trouble idea and images that keep popping up ,and if you don't you could lose your mind. "Truly for me, inspiration is from within and well of course I do have art style and artists I fancy and look up to". He says.

Two years back, Max took a class at AMT composites in South Africa ,for Mold making. This company deals with producing mold making substances, silicon, poxy, fibre glass, resin, to name a few. After his class, a new world was revealed and he was introduced to the mold making and he still perfecting the craft but he has already started profiting from this as he makes clay sculptures and make molds out of them and reduplicate them using concrete. He then went on to publish his brand Maxmillion.

Max concludes by telling me that his everyday aspiration is to become the best version of himself, to become one of the most respected artists in the country and further be recognized internationally.   


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